the real problems started
the real problems started

- A free EGGTOMATON NFT on release*
- Pre-Sale access to EGGTOMATONS mint (up to 3 mints per MINT PASS)
- 24h Pre-Sale access window, before the rest Whitelisted users can mint
- Pre-Sale mints access to ALL future EGGTOMATONS projects
- Free gifts* of our 7 upcoming Sci-Fi novels - including 7 NFT covers designed by official EGGTOMATONS artist and 7 novels in PDF (digital edition) - written by Jamie Hawke. The first novel in the Origin series will be EGGTOMATONS: Greed
- Gamer Beta Pass (early access to our upcoming games)
- Access to exclusive MINT PASS owners raffle giveaways on EGGTOMATON Discord server
- Access to exclusive Discord channel only for MINT PASS owners
*(only gas needed for the transaction)

- Community building and widening the net of our social media presence
- Allocating whitelist presale spots
- Mint pass ERC721 contract --> Opportunity to pick up our exclusive Mint pass - only 500 will be issued
- We greatly expand our marketing efforts
- EGGTOMATONS collection contract
- Whitelist presale --> Opportunity to pick up your very own EGGTOMATON on a presale 48h before the public mint
- Public sale ---> Our EGGTOMATONS will be available to mint on public sale
- Reveal of the EGGTOMATONS 48h after the public sale
- 7 lucky people with receive 1 legendary EGGTOMATON each, pillars of our community !!!
- Verified collection on
- Listing on Rarity Sniper and so you can check rarity of your EGGTOMATON
- Donating 25 ETH of primary sales to a human bionics charity organizations of our community's choice
- Giveaway of 10 personalized hoodies with hand drawn art of their EGGTOMATON
- A dedicated buyback wallet to purchase EGGTOMATONS listed under mint price to stabilize the market
- EGGTOMATON holders will have exclusive access to community events (giveaways, quests, puzzles and more)
- Collaborations with various artists for special 1/1 pieces (100% of the sale goes to the artist)
- Raising brand awareness on a bigger scale
- Hiring/adding new people to the team - expanding the project scope
- Community wallet (DAO) used for purchasing fractions of NFTs, donations and giveaways based on community votes
- EGGTOMATONS holders vote on the future of the project
- Companion drops for EGGTOMATONS owners
- and EGGTOMATON pools for floor/bottom price NFTs (deposit, swap, buy, exchange, liquidity)
- Launch of EGGTOMATON v1 token on
- Staking a EGGTOMATON for a certain period of time to receive a unique reward in a form of NFT
- Airdrop of our token to 7 legendary EGGTOMATONS, where token = token
- Utilization of the v1 token (in-game currency, airdrop, merchandise store)
- Merchandise store with EGGTOMATONS theme products, limited edition products
- Airdrop of our token to remaining EGGTOMATONS, where token = token
- Fleshing out a sustainable economic model for our upcoming P2E (Play to earn) games
- Launch of EGGTOMATON v2 token with complete utilization in upcoming P2E games/game hubs
- Signing a publishing deal with Green Man Gaming
- Releasing IOS and Android application for our future social/game hub
- Game Jams on for small indie developers/studios
- Hiring most qualified candidates to be part of our team based on community votes
- Contacting video game development studios using Zeezee.eth's established connections
- Presenting the game prototypes and discussing them with the community
- Adding first games to the hub
- Polishing the quality of released games
- Working directly with our players during the development to make our games the best possible
- Releasing games on Steam/IOS/Android

- A digital collection of 7,000 unique NFTs stored on Ethereum blockchain as ERC-721 tokens, randomly generated with 250+ traits/attributes
- What is the goal of the project?
- The goal of our project will always be to produce top quality content.
The very first step is creating our NFT EGGTOMATON collection of top-tier quality.
A good chunk of our initial sales will go back to the community - either via community wallet, charity, giveaways, community projects, etc - our plan is to always work hand-in-hand with our core community. The rest of the funds will be used to widen the scope of our project, expand the team and take on more workload. Our intentions are not and never will be to get rich overnight - but to build a legacy. We will spare no expense to make this a reality - both for us and our community.
In the upcoming months, we will be collaborating with the various artist for unique 1/1 pieces, flexing our collaboration with a known writer and releasing the rest of our Sci-Fi Origin series novels (7 total), we will release companion drops for EGGTOMATON owners, launch EGGTOMATON v1 token with tangible utility, open both physical and digital merch store - all leading up to contacting video game development studious using ZeeZee.eth's established connection. Our top goal is to make EGGTOMATONS a successful, long-term project raised around our core community - with the final intention of making a revolution in NFT P2E (play to earn) games with our upcoming releases.
- To which charity organizations are EGGTOMATONS planning to donate?
- 25 ETH of primary sales will be donated to a human bionics charity organizations of community choice
- How do I get a EGGTOMATON?
- EGGTOMATONS will be available to mint at this website
0.04eth + gas fee in Pre-Sale (Mint pass holders, OG-Whitelist, Whitelist)
0.05eth + gas fee in Public Sale
The presale date is on 18th of November for MINT PASS Holders
24h hours later (19th of November) for Whitelisted users
Public sale date - TBA
Presale spots are still available and will be closed at 1300* members (300 OGs + 1000 Whitelisted) to quality read 'Whitelist req' channel on our Disord server
*MINT PASS Holders are excluded from this number
- Do I own full copyrights to EGGTOMATONS I own?
- Yes. You can collect them, show them off, hold for future benefits or even burn them if you so desire
- Can I mint through a phone?
- Yes - only metamask mobile app
- Will there be any EGGTOMATONS withheld from the public sale?
- Yes, 100 ( for giveaways, marketing and team)
- What are the royalty fees for secondary sales of EGGTOMATONS?
- 7,5% + 2,5% (OpenSea platform fee) = 10% total
- How can I contact EGGTOMATON team?
- You can contact our official team trough our ticket system on our "support channel" discord and/or our official mail: [email protected]